About Suborbital Records

By Joe McMahon • • 29 Jun 2012

Suborbital Records collects odd and interesting music, learning toward the electronic and ambient, looking for things you haven’t heard – and things you’ll be surprised to hear.

All of our music is available via Bandcamp, Kunaki, and (eventually) via download. We recognize that the demand for “our kind” of music is not as large as it is for other genres, but our approach lets you take your pick of media and quality:

  • Our downloads are free, at “iTunes” quality.
  • Our Kunaki and Bandcamp releases are full-fidelity, but not free.

We think this is a reasonable balance between giving the shop away and supporting our artists. If you really like a release you downloaded, do consider picking up the physical (Kunaki) or full-fidelity download (Bandcamp) as well.

Looking forward to bringing you interesting, entertaining, and ear-stretching music!

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